Is there a busier time of year than the Christmas season? A big part of enjoying the season, for me, is keeping my stress levels down (and really, who doesn't need that?). After barely surviving past Black Fridays and hearing horror stories from a niece who works at one of those low-price Black Friday retailers, I decided to sleep in and skip the madness this year.
In order to still get my shopping done, and to be a little more eco-and-people-friendly this year, I found several (or technically one) online shopping site that should have something for everyone on my list. There are technically six different sites (TheHungerSite, TheBreastCancerSite, TheChildHealthSite, TheLiteracySite, TheRainforestSite, and TheAnimalRescueSite) and each site makes a donation to their specific cause with every purchase. I normally shop around to spread the donation love, but this year breast cancer is close to my heart, so I think I'll be shopping mainly from The Breast Cancer store. Each site is connected though, so you have one basket and one shipping price if you do decide to shop around!
The sites have everything from coffee to clothes, so I thought I'd put together a little green shopping guide!